its on friday and i'm so gonna rock it. i get to play the whole band on when we come on stage so i get to walk out first and start playing then everyone else comes on stage. for this show i'm playing keyboard and back up vocals which is still alot of singing. its gonna be the highlight of my year.
at my drummer's house minding my own bussiness when all of the sudden the whole family starts argueing. i gues they forgot i was there. the situation kept elevating until the cops were called.
my drummers dad is very emotionaly unstable so he ran outside. everyone else left too except me my drummer and her brother. kinda hiding in her bedroom till the situation died down
my drummers dad hit himself with a wrench and then came into the house bleeding all over the floor and cried for help but we werent sure if he was being serious or not. we didnt see him and how bad he was so i wasn't gonna take my chances since maybe he had a gun idk i'm not gettin shot. but he must of remembered that the cops were called so he went back outside and started paceing far back in the woods. after looking alittle and following the blood trail we found the wrench covered in blood in the tool shed. i left and then the cops came and got him out of the forest. he's ok and stopped bleeding today. i kinda wish we acted sooner tho and didnt ignore his cry for help because he was realy bad off cause he realy bashed himself good with the wrench.
i might get the pic of the kitchen floor if i can get it from my drummer but i'm alittle afraid to ask since it's her dad and all.
I didnt like it.
AndrewTheNinja (Updated )
well i didnt like it either. i walk in there minding my own business and out of nowhere i get caught up in a intense family life changing moment